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LUP 604: One Week Left

  • Air Date: 2025-03-02
  • Duration: 61 mins 10 secs

About this episode

We're pre-gaming two of the biggest Linux events of the year. Engineers, organizers, and surprise guests are dropping by to give us the scoop before it all begins.

Your hosts


alby hub, android auto, audiobookshelf, chromebook, dendrite, element, flox, fountain, graphene os, jb meetup, jupiter broadcasting, karousel, kelsey hightower,, linux podcast, linux unplugged, matrix, niri, nixbook, nixos, openaudible, openaudible-to-audiblebookshelf, paperwm, planet nix, robert hernandez, ron efroni, scale, synapse, 🤟❄️⚖️, 🦒

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