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SSH 090: Proxmox ClusterF

  • Air Date: 2023-02-10
  • Duration: 47 mins 35 secs

About this episode

Alex has major Proxmox problems. What happened, and the fix for now. Plus, the real downside to Wifi cameras and the batch of network gear on the way.

Your hosts

  • Cluster Manager - Proxmox VE — The Proxmox VE cluster manager pvecm is a tool to create a group of physical servers. Such a group is called a cluster. We use the Corosync Cluster Engine for reliable group communication. There’s no explicit limit for the number of nodes in a cluster. In practice, the actual possible node count may be limited by the host and network performance. Currently (2021), there are reports of clusters (using high-end enterprise hardware) with over 50 nodes in production.
  • Pi-hole — You can run Pi-hole in a container, or deploy it directly to a supported operating system
  • Ubiquiti WiFi
  • Reolink Video Doorbell PoE — At least twice clearer than the 2MP (1080p), 2K+ (5MP) resolution means a lot more information and a wider range. Individuals will be easier to recognize with richer details.
  • Alby — Lightning for your Browser! — Alby brings Boosts payments to the web.
  • Self-Hosted on the — You can Boost from the Podcast Index website, just top up Alby first, and then visit the Podcast Index and boost from our page.


address conflict error, dhcp/dns server, jellyfin, jupiter broadcasting, mac address conflict, new network gear, reolink poe doorbell, self-hosting podcast, smart wired doorbell with chime, swapping adguard home for pi-hole, tailscale, ubiquiti

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