LUP 549: Will it Nixcloud?¶
- Air Date: 2024-02-11
- Duration: 94 mins 10 secs
About this episode¶
Deploying Nextcloud the Nix way promises a paradise of reproducibility and simplicity. But is it just a painful trek through configuration hell? We built the dream Nextcloud using Nix and faced reality.
Your hosts¶
Sponsored by¶
- Tailscale: Tailscale is a Zero config VPN. It installs on any device in minutes, manages firewall rules for you, and works from anywhere. Get 20 devices for free for a personal account.
- Warp Terminal: Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in. Be the first to know when it’s available for Linux.
- Kolide: Kolide is a device trust solution for companies with Okta, and they ensure that if a device isn’t trusted and secure, it can’t log into your cloud apps.
Episode links¶
- 💥 Gets Sats Quick and Easy with Strike
- 📻 LINUX Unplugged on Fountain.FM
- Introducing Fedora Atomic Desktops
- 45Drives/autotier — A passthrough FUSE filesystem that intelligently moves files between storage tiers based on frequency of use, file age, and tier fullness.
- Ok, what is the “actual” way to install Nextcloud completely, fully, as in all the features, and best performance?
- Help a newbie to make a choice - 🚧 Installation - Nextcloud community
- Nextcloud All-in-One
- NextcloudPi — NextcloudPi is a ready to use image for Virtual Machines, Raspberry Pi, Odroid HC1, Rock64 and other boards.
- NextcloudPi | Nextcloud Conference 2022
- Nextcloud - Official Docker Image
- nextcloud/ansible-collection-nextcloud-admin: The ansible galaxy for your nextcloud administrative needs.
- ReinerNippes/nextcloud: Ansible playbook to install nextcloud, php, nginx or apache, mariadb or postgres, redis-server, onlyoffice or collabora office
- LINUX Unplugged 307 — What’s your NextCloud?
- Top 10 Self-Hosted Apps - Perfect Media Server
- Self-Hosted - Episodes Tagged with “nextcloud”
- The Holy Grail Nextcloud setup made easy by NixOS
- NixOS Nextcloud Module Docs
- NixOS Nextcloud Service Source
- Nextcloud Apps Packaged in NixOS
- LUP’s nextcloud.nix
- NixOS Nextcloud Module Options
- Soltros’ Nextcloud-on-NixOS
- TODO: ExecStartPost to copy off backups
- First NixCon North America!
- Southern California Linux Expo 21
- 🍔 Lunch at SCaLE 🍇, Sat, Mar 16, 2024, 1:30 PM
- Yard House Menu
- Eric's Nextcloud on NixOS
- Eric's Collabora
- Nextcloud NixOS Setup Overview
- Nix from First Principles: Flake Edition
- hercules-ci/arion — Run docker-compose with help from Nix/NixOS
- Arion documentation
all-in-one, ansible, app store, arion, autotier, backups, bcachefs, btrfs, carplay, collabora, configuration management, container management, containers, cow, cs go, declarative configuration, docker, docker compose, gaming on linux, gigabyte, grafana, haskell, hercules ci, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, linux truths, linux unplugged, lxc, lxd, mac trashcan, minecraft, monitoring, nagios, netdata, nextcloud, nextcloud apps, nextcloudpi, nginx, nixos, nvme, php, podman, podverse, postgresql, ram-only distro challenge, redis, reproducibility, s3, self-hosting, snap, snap package, snowflake os, systemd, the nix way, tiered storage, traefik, trunas scale, unraid, vr on linux, will it nix?, windows, yaml, zfs