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SSH 102: NixOS is a bit Flakey

  • Air Date: 2023-07-28
  • Duration: 63 mins 3 secs

About this episode

Alex shares a suite of self-hosted apps that replace Reddit. Chris is struggling with Jellyfin, and we discuss where NixOS is killing it and where we think it falls down.

Your hosts


access everywhere, android app, anytype, api support, baby monitor solution, backup solution, browser extension, comfortable reading, configurable, devbox package index, disk usage analyzer, du alternative, dua-cli, duf, dust, eufy spaceview, failed device, fast & efficient, feeds generation, freshrss, gnome, home assistant, hosted version, import, international, ios app, jupiter broadcasting, luks encryption, mit license, nanit pro, nix packages repo,, nixos, notion-like note apps, opml, reader, replace, rss feed aggregator, search, self-hosting, self-hosting podcast, swap, syndication, themes & extensions, unifi cloud key gen 2, unifi controller, wallabag, web scraping, websub

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